2022 Cooperation Agora and Global Healthy Living Foundation for Osteoporosis

by georgegsp

2022 Cooperation Agora and Global Healthy Living Foundation for Osteoporosis

AGORA is partnering with the Global Healthy Living Foundation (GHLF) which is actively working on a Global Bone Advocacy Program to implement patient-centered education, awareness, and engagement on bone health and osteoporosis in relation to patients’ existing disease state(s) and or co-morbidities that patient groups and organizations can provide to their communities.

There are three central pillars of the program:

  1. Partnering with international, regional, and local patient groups of various disease states that are co-morbid conditions to osteoporosis.
  2. Forming a Global Council comprised of representatives of those organizations to help steer work and inform patient communities worldwide.
  3. Conducting a global social and conventional media campaign to share resources, engage patient communities and enhance knowledge and awareness of the importance of bone health for chronic disease patients.